Benefits of Babywearing
AskDrSears - benefits of babywearing plus safe babywearing and lots of other information.
Wikipedia - interesting article with references.
Wikipedia - interesting article with references.
Babywearing Resources
Getting a Good 'Seat' - how to correctly position your baby in the carrier for maximum comfort.
Daytime sleeps and babywearing
Babywearing in hot weather
Babywearing in cold weather
Daytime sleeps and babywearing
Babywearing in hot weather
Babywearing in cold weather
Babywearing Safety
Sling Safety
Benefits of Babywearing - covers safety information plus some general information and tips
How to safely Position a Newborn in a Meh Dai/Mei Tai - video
Benefits of Babywearing - covers safety information plus some general information and tips
How to safely Position a Newborn in a Meh Dai/Mei Tai - video