Addams Family Doll Carrier
Now your little ones can carry their dolls and teddies around just like you carried them! Doll carriers also are a great sibling gift for an older sister or brother. This carrier will fit up preschooler and up until around age 9.
This carrier features an Addams Family print from Cheeky Chops Fabric. Perfect for your mini goth!
The doll carrier is very quick and easy to use. The simplist way is to cross the shoulder straps before clipping them to the sides. You can do this for a front or back carry. A chest strap is included but the carrier works fine without it. The chest straps is useful for wearing the straps back pack style as that will stop them from slipping off your child's shoulders. To use it simply unclip it and then clip it over the shoulder straps. You could also clip it around the bottom of the carrier to make it narrower for a small doll or teddy if needed.