I've added a page about my experiences wearing my children and the many benefits of babywearing. You can find it here. I'd love to hear about your experiences of babywearing your children.
My daughter is becoming far too independent to be interested in being worn lately. She often likes to actively participate in what I am doing rather than be held. I mostly wear her for short periods, usually if she is not feeling well or is otherwise out of sorts. I still bring a sling when I go out even though I only use it sometimes. When her brother, the times I didn't bring a sling were the times he wanted to be worn! I almost always use a ring sling as she doesn't want to go on my back lately. Her brother didn't want to be worn after 2 and a half. My toddler is 2 years 2 months now. I wouldn't mind carrying her a little longer as I have much more comfortable carriers than I had with my son. I'm a little sad she rarely wants to be carried as it feels so cozy to carry her close to me but it's good too as I can see her growing, changing and learning. Snuggles with her will certainly not come to an end. She loves to cuddle next to me while I read a story to her - and I often have an older sibling or two join us. I'm sure she will continue to have an occasional sling ride for a while yet. My first daughter protested slings as a toddler too but sometimes wanted to be carried when she saw her little sister being worn. My husband carried her around now and then until she was over four. |
AuthorI love to sew. I have five curious and active kids who keep me busy! Archives
May 2024